Angela likes red shoes, but she doesn’t complete the order


In this tutorial, you will see how to create a segment for a delivery that targets all the contacts who have clicked on a particular product in the last 15 days, without buying it.


Often, people navigate through an e-commerce site and look at the same product several times, but don’t buy it. Why? Perhaps it’s because they are not 100% convinced about their choice, or maybe they see it at just the wrong time… when they are travelling to work, or while they are drinking a quick espresso in a coffee bar.

It’s important for a brand to know the products that have been looked at and caught a customer’s eye. After all, a specially tailored message could reawake interest and lead to a successful sale. But how do you do it?

First, you need to create a segment that includes all the customers who, like Angela, clicked and viewed red shoes on the e-commerce website, but didn’t complete the purchase within an appropriate time. Then, you can use the segment to send the identified contacts just the right message.

To create the segment, do the following:

  1. Sign in to the platform (link) and go to Contactplan.
  2. Click the Segments tab in the Control bar, at the top of the page, to display the My segments
  3. Click Create new segment.
    The New segment page displays.
    See Creating new segments for more details.
  4. Give the segment a unique and recognizable name, for example, ‘Red Shoes viewed without purchase’.
  5. Click Create E-commerce browsing Rule, followed by Create custom Rule, on the next page.
    See Creating an e-commerce rule for more details.

  1. Give the rule a name of your choice, for example, ‘Clicked Red shoes’.
  2. Under Action, select Has e-commerce interaction.
  3. Under Time frame, select In last… and enter 15 days in the appropriate fields.
  4. Under Match, select ALL.
  5. Under Event type select Equal to and viewed product.
  6. Under Product name select Equal to and enter the name of the product in which you are interested.
    For example, ‘Red Shoes’.
  7. When you have finished defining the conditions that identify the customers who have viewed the product, click Add.

Next, you need to create a second rule, which identifies all those contacts who didn’t buy anything in the last 15 days.

  1. On the New segment page, click Create Purchases Rule, followed by Create custom Rule.
    See Creating a purchases rule for more details.

  1. Give the rule a name of your choice, for example, ‘No purchase in the last 15 days’.
  2. Under Action, select Have Not purchased.
  3. Under Time frame, select In last… and enter 15 days in the appropriate fields.
  4. Under Match, select ALL.
  5. When you have finished defining the conditions, click Add.

  1. In the Segment Summary panel, positioned to the right of the New segment page, click the AND interaction condition, which is located between the two rules.
    This ensures that only the contacts that conform with both rules are included in the segment. For the example used here, this means that only those who viewed the product at least once in the last 15 days, but did not buy it, are selected.
  2. Click Save to be able to apply the segment to future deliveries, or Start new plan, to use it immediately.

Now, you can continue by creating a plan and an appropriately interesting message, to encourage the contacts to complete their purchase.

For more information, see the Contactplan Guide, or contact our Customer Care.

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Update your Facebook Access Token to keep your platform integrations active


In this tutorial, you will learn how to update your Facebook Access Token, to keep your Lead Ads and Custom Audience integrations active with the platform.


Facebook has recently changed the User Access Token security parameters, modifying its validity to only eight days, from the previous unlimited setting.

Every 90 days, you must update your Access Token, for your integrations to remain active.

You can do this easily, in just a few steps. Do the following:

  1. Sign in to the platform and select Contactsend.
  2. Click Configure > Integrations > Facebook.

  1. Select the Authorizations

Here, you can see your integration Token status. If it is active, a green check mark icon displays. If the token is inactive, an orange warning triangle displays.

  1. If the token is inactive, click Edit to continue and re-authorize the integration.

  1. Click re-authorize to update the Facebook Access Token.
  2. Access your Facebook profile or, if you are already signed in, click Continue as…

  1. Click OK to allow the integration to manage your pages.

  1. Click + Save to store the new token.

The token is now valid. If you return to the Authorizations tab, you will see that the integration Token status now displays as active, with a green check mark icon.


For more details, read Facebook article or contact our Customer Care.

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Create welcome emails for your new contacts including them in automated journeys


In this tutorial, you will see how to create an automation that combines different steps in the same journey. As a result, you can define customer communication activities that are triggered by the actions they perform.


Suppose you want to send a welcome email to new contacts who have subscribed to your newsletter, to thank them for their interest, start to build a rapport and encourage enthusiasm for the brand. You could, for example, send the contacts an email that invites them to click a link and complete their profile. Those who complete the activity would be rewarded with a promotional code, which they can use in-store or on your e-commerce website. You benefit, because an updated customer profile facilitates more personal and targeted communications.

All these actions can be combined and included in a journey that contacts begin, as soon as they subscribe to the newsletter. The appropriate steps can be configured and automated very easily, thanks to Contactflow.

To create an automation, do the following:

  1. Sign in to the platform and select
    The My automations page displays by default, which is empty until you create new automations. Otherwise, the tabs include lists of previously created or processed automations.
  2. Click Create new automation.
    The New automation page displays.
  3. Give the automation a unique and recognizable name, for example, ‘Welcome email and promotional code’.
  4. Select the Category, then enter a Description for the automation, if required.
  5. Under When to start, select when the automation should begin.
    For this example, select Now, so the automation is immediately active as soon as it has been configured and saved.
  6. Click Create automation.
    The Automation configuration page displays, where you can create the journey.
  7. Under the External source step, click the + icon , then click ACTION.
    The Action configuration options display in the Sidebar. These enable you to configure the Welcome email with a link to the profile web page, as described in the above example. See the Contactflow Guide for more details about configuring an automated email delivery.



  1. Under the Action you have just configured, click the + icon, then click CHECK.
    The Check configuration options display in the Sidebar. Here, you can instruct Contactflow to check whether the link in the email has been clicked within a reasonable length of time. See the Contactflow Guide for more details about configuring a Check
    Now, you will determine what happens next, according to whether a contact clicks the link (the YES path) or not (the NO path).
  2. In the CLICKED path, do the following:
    1. Click the + icon, then click ACTION, to configure a second email with the promotional code.
      All the contacts who clicked the link in the first email in the time allowed, receive another email with the promotion.
    2. Under the Action you have just configured, click the + icon, then click END.
      This completes the CLICKED



  1. In the NOT CLICKED path, click the + icon, then click END.
    The journey is ended for those contacts who did not click the link in the first email.
  2. When you are finished, click Save if the automation is to be activated immediately or has a start date some time in the future, or Save As Draft if you want to edit it later.



With these few simple steps, you have automatically:

  • Inserted the new contacts in an automation that welcomes them to the newsletter.
  • Encouraged them to complete their profile.
  • Rewarded those who clicked the link with a promotional code.
  • Established direct contact between the email recipients and the brand, opening the door for future communications and relationship building.

And, by configuring the automation steps once, you have established a self-managing flow that removes the need to manually write and deliver individual communications.


For more information, see the Contactflow Guide or contact our Customer Care.

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Trend for recipient domains: A tool that monitors the receipt of emails – Part 2

Following on from the discussion about emails without reachable addresses, this series of articles about deliverability continues. Now, we move on to investigate recipient domains and their behavior when emails are delivered.

What are the benefits of the Trend for recipient domains tool?  

 The powerful Trend for recipient domains tool is available to all Contactsend users. This reporting tool enables an extended analysis of performance trends over time – opens, bounces, unsubscribe events and similar –  arranged by each monitored domain.

Why is this kind of analysis important?
To successfully evaluate deliverability, it is essential that you identify and highlight anti-spam filtering events, or any drop off in performance related to specific recipient domains.

In general, a deliverability problem usually relates to a single mailbox provider. That is, a single domain or a group of domains. It rarely involves all the recipients.

Unfortunately, if you carry out a general performance analysis, potential problems may not be identified. The open and bounce data needs to be looked at in terms of individual domains, to see the data fluctuations over time for each domain. Possible anomalies are highlighted as a result, and this Contactsend tool demonstrates its real value.

The Trend for recipient domains tool enables you to determine the parameters that you want to analyze, together with the appropriate domains, which you can select from the top 100 that you have contacted the most in the past. The output is a dashboard, which displays key reputation-focused metrics.

The same page may also include an Inbox Placement analysis, which is based on a predefined number of deliveries that are selected at random through collaboration with Return Path.

To find out more about Special Reports, see the Contactsend Guide.

Why should you analyze your email delivery performance?

The analysis enables you to identify abnormal results that may have a critical impact on delivery performance.

It is generally useful to monitor the delivery rates for your top 10 domains. This is because they represent, on average, 80% of all deliveries and, as a result, provide a comprehensive and relevant basis for data analysis. Conversely, if you keep track of too many domains, the final dashboard would be unreadable.

Further, it is vital that email delivery process flows are coherent, to eliminate possible analysis anomalies. For example, a company could be subject to divergent flow attributes and characteristics linked to different destination countries, or types of message.

Contactsend enables any potential bias to be managed and reduced, by differentiating email flows through email groups. The Trend for recipient domain report can be focused on one email group at a time, and it is recommended that groups are organized in the most consistent way possible.

The importance of being informed about emails with no reachable addressees: Bounces

A bounce is an automatic message the sender receives when they try to deliver an email that is not accepted by the recipient server. The bounce message includes the reason why it happened. By analyzing bounces, you can understand the origin of certain potentially critical issues and, as a result, intervene in a timely fashion.

Bounce data includes both quantity and quality aspects related to the type of bounce, the domains they occur on and so on. It is important not to underestimate these two aspects, to be able to gain the most comprehensive overview.

To learn more about bounces, see this article.

The open rate trend analysis as a measurement of anti-spam filtering

The open rate trend analysis can be one of the most representative assessments of anti-spam filtering. Comparing the open rate trend for individual domains is essential when identifying these critical issues.

Normally, all the main domain trends result in a consistent and comparative performance over a defined time frame. Some mailbox providers will always be a little bit under the average values recorded for all the domain groups, while others will be higher.

These small differences are mainly the result of the inherent differences between providers. For example, some clients automatically download images, including the tracking pixel that notifies about the opening of an email. This results in a slightly higher open rate. Other providers may return lower open rates because the mailboxes are used as secondary accounts, or their owners do not fully understand how to use them. But usually, the domains will all show roughly the same performance when they are compared with each other under normal conditions.

However, when anti-spam filtering is being applied, you will often see a sudden decrease in the open rate for a specific domain or provider – if emails don’t reach the inbox, recipients cannot open them. When this happens, the open rate is extremely valuable. You can watch for significant performance differences over time for the relevant domains and, as a result, use this information as a filter value.

Using the Trend for recipient domains report

To use the report, do the following:

  1. Sign in to the platform and click Analyse > Trend for recipient domains.
    The appropriate Special Report page displays with sample settings.
  2. Under Top 100 domains control panel, select your required parameters:
    1. Click the metric that you want to measure.
      For example, Bounce.
    2. Click the required period to generate the appropriate view.
      For example, 3 or 6 months. 3M is selected by default.
    3. Click the appropriate group.
      The best compromise is weekly.
    4. For domains, click detailed.
    5. Select the appropriate email group.

  1. Under Monitored domains, select the ones that you want to compare.
  2. When you are finished, click Process reputation metrics.
    The appropriate trend calculations display.

 If you are a new Contactsend user, or you have not yet used the Trend for recipient domains tool, we suggest that you start by following the steps described in this article to become more familiar with its use. You can then explore all the available options to customize your analysis as required.

To maximize message delivery and receipt, it is very important that you pay close attention to deliverability. For this reason, the next deliverability article will focus on anti-spam filters and their application.

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Reach also on Facebook the right audience for your message


In this tutorial you will discover what Facebook Custom Audiences are and how they can be used, together with your existing Contactsend database, to build social media-focused deliveries.


A Facebook Custom Audience enables you to create specifically targeted social media-based deliveries, while being able to select which contacts to include. The goal is to maximize communication effectiveness by targeting an audience with distinct characteristics.

The Contactlab platform can easily be integrated with Facebook, enabling you to use your Contactsend database to create Custom Audience deliveries.

As an example, imagine you sent your female audience an email to introduce your brand’s new lipsticks line. Now you want to strengthen the message with a dedicated Facebook delivery, making use of your current customer database. Contactsend can automatically select the contacts that you want to target with your marketing delivery and search for a match on social networks.

To be able to use a Custom Audience, you need to have linked at least one Facebook Ads account with the Contactlab platform. If you haven’t already linked your account, see this tutorial for all the required steps.

To define and use a Custom Audience, do the following:

  1. Sign in to the platform and click Configure > User db.
    The User database page displays.

  1. Click the required database, and under Integrations, click Custom audience.
    The Custom audience tab of the Facebook page displays, with any currently available Custom Audience synchronizations.

  1. Click + new synchronization.
    The Synchronization settings page displays, with the name of the selected database in the Source > Db name This page enables you to define the parameters to select the appropriate Custom Audience.

    1. Using the example here, under Filter, select Female.
    2. Under Medium > Match by, select the variable you want to use to perform a match between your Contactsend and Facebook contacts.
      For example, EMAIL.
    3. Under Destination > Facebook Account, select the Facebook Ads account you want to use.
      For example, Facebook Ads Account.
    4. Select whether you want to Create a new custom audience or Select existing Custom Audience.
    5. Once you have completed the required fields or selected an existing audience, read the notification carefully and, if you agree, click Accept.

  1. When you are finished, click Upload.
    You are returned to the Custom audience tab of the Facebook page, where you can see the status of the synchronization request, the number of contacts and whether there is any invalid data.
    Because the upload request is asynchronous, it may take some time to complete.

As a result, you have now selected the female contacts in your Contactsend database, and automatically matched them with your Facebook Ads Account, using their email address as the appropriate variable. When the upload is complete, you can see exactly how many contacts are available for your social media-based delivery.

The Custom audience tab can also be accessed in Contactsend by clicking Configure > Integrations > Facebook. Here you can manage your Custom Audiences and, for example, schedule automatic uploads, which will populate your Custom Audience incrementally. See this tutorial for more details.

To find out more about Custom Audiences, see the Contactsend Guide, or contact our Customer Care.

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Remind you invitees about the location and time of your event with a presetted communication


In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Contactplan to plan an email delivery that reminds your customers about the location, date and start time of your event.


Imagine you have arranged an exclusive presentation of your new spring & summer collection, to which you have invited the most loyal customers from your Milan store. Now, you want to plan to send them an email to remind them date and start time of your event.

Because the plan results in an email delivery, you need to have created the message using PageBuilder or prepared and saved the message, using an HTML editor of your choice.

To create the plan, do the following:

  1. Sign in to the platform and select Contactplan
  2. Click the Plans to display the My plans page and click Create new plan to display the New plan

  1. Enter a unique and recognizable name for the plan.
  2. Under When, click the One shot tab, if it is not already selected.
    If you want to send the same email more than once to the same audience, you should click Repeated, then define the appropriate delivery frequency. If you want to send different emails at diverse times to the same audience, you should create a plan for each email.
  3. Under Day & hour, define the delivery date and time.
    Using the example here, the delivery date should be one day before the event. Update the Time zone, if required.

  1. Under Who, select the appropriate Segment that you have previously defined.
    If you have enabled the Event management events in Contacthub, you will be able to create a segment with a Retail events rule in Contactplan, to identify all the customers who have been invited to the event and subsequently accepted.
  2. In this instance, you probably should not select a DND policy.
    The aim is to send the email to all event invitees who have accepted. If you select a DND policy, you may exclude some of the intended recipients. If you want to ensure that the customers who are to receive this email are not sent, for example, too many other emails from you on the same day or in the same week, an appropriate DND policy should be applied to any other relevant plans.

  1. Under Action, select Create Delivery in Send as the Consumer and click Create.
    The new delivery template page displays.
  2. Under Basic information, enter the Delivery name, select the relevant Contactsend Mail group and click Next.
  3. Under Delivery information, enter the email Subject and the appropriate From, Sender and Reply to details, if required, then click Next.
  4. Under Message body add your message to the delivery. If you have used PageBuilder to create your message, click From PageBuilder and select the appropriate message.
    If you have used a different method to create your message, click HTML and copy and paste your message into the box provided.
  5. Under Test list, select or define the appropriate list, and click Send test to send the email for review, if required.
  6. When you completed the delivery template, click
    You are returned to the New plan page.

  1. When you have finished, click Save As Draft to be able to make changes to the plan later, or Save if it is ready.

If you click Save, you have now created a plan that will be run by Contactsend on the date and time you have defined.

You can reopen any plan that has been saved as Ready at any time, but you can only edit it up until the time and date that it is due to run. Draft plans can be edited at any time.

See the Contactplan Guide for more about creating plans, or contact Customer Care.

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Send automatic emails in response to customer actions


In this tutorial you will learn how to configure Contacthub to automatically send tailored emails to customers who have carried out specific actions. Doing so will not only reassure your customers that you are looking after them, but you will also demonstrate your high customer service standards.
And with Contacthub automations working together with the features of Contactsend, it’s simplicity itself to realize the benefits.
As an example, suppose you want to send a welcome email to all the users who subscribe to your newsletter, to confirm the registration and thank them for their interest.

It’s easy to activate transactional emails; you just have to follow the procedure.


Suppose you want to send an automatic email to all those who subscribe to Maison Contactlab newsletter, a fictional company with physical stores and an e-commerce website in fashion field.

Do the following:

  1. Sign in to the platform and click the Automations tab, followed by Create a new automation.
  2. The Create automation configuration page displays.

  1. Give the automation a unique and recognizable name, for example, ‘Thank newsletter subscribers’.
  2. Under Active nodes, select the appropriate node.
    For this example, it should be the node where all the newsletter subscription contacts are stored. See the appropriate section in the Contacthub Guide for more about nodes.
  3. Under Trigger > Events, select the appropriate event.
    To continue with the example, Form compiled should be selected.
    An event, such as a contact completing a subscription form, needs to be recorded in Contacthub for an automation to be activated.
    The type of event is not the only way to define the conditions that are required to activate an automation. You can also use Advanced options and the Context field to add conditions that should be applied to the data associated with the event.
  4. Click Advanced options and under Conditions, select formName, then enter ‘addUser’ in the available field.
    Ensures that only contacts who complete the ‘addUser’ form are identified for the automation.
    Under Context, select Web event.
    Ensures that only web events are associated with the automation.
    As a result, the automation would only be activated when a Form compiled event, using the ‘addUser’ form in a Web event context, takes place.

When you have completed the Trigger fields, you can go on to define the action that should take place. Using the example here, this is to send the appropriate email.

Before configuring a Send Email action, you must have previously created an Immediate message template in Contactsend. You also need to know the Campaign ID and any dynamic variables that it contains.

  1. Under Action, click Send Email.
  2. Enter the relevant apiKey and userKey.
    Authentication tokens provided by Contactlab when your company’s account is set up.

  1. Enter the Campaign ID and select the Recipient type.
    The Recipient type can be a Constant so a  fixed email address used for example, for a test delivery or it can be a dynamic Customer property. It means that the email address is taken from the customer’s profile. In this example, select Customer property.
  2. Configure the email template dynamic fields as follows:
    Under In field, insert the dynamic field name from the template and the appropriate value.
    The value can be a constant, or taken from a customer or event-related property.

  1. When you are finished, click Save.
    You are returned to the Automations management page and the automation is added to the list. It is automatically activated, but you can disable it at any time.

This is just one example of how to configure an email delivery automation. But you can use any event to create ad hoc automations such as purchase confirmation, delivery or password change emails and similar.

See the appropriate section in the Contacthub Guide for more about automations, or contact our Customer Care.

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Collect data and create contact profiles to activate custom digital deliveries


When you access Contacthub for the first time, you need to carry out a few steps to initialize the newly activated environment, before you continue with data collection and organization.


Do the following:

  1. To make Contacthub work as intended, you must at first create an Entry Node.
    This is the container where all the data and information that is collected and updated over time, is stored.

  1. Once you have created the entry node, you should define who has read and/or write access to the data. At this point, you must create a Source and get the token that is used for API authentication.

  1. Now that you have the entry node and the associated source, you should configure the Base and Extended proprieties.
    Contacthub database proprieties use a document-oriented structure. This means they are not just a simple selectable field list, but rather a flexible structure that, according to your needs, includes different elements.

Contacthub includes a set of predefined Base proprieties that can be enabled or disabled in the UI, as required. You can also create metadata-based Extended proprieties for your company.


Once you have completed the environment initialization, you can continue with the next configuration steps.

Contact our Customer Care for more information.

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Generate contacts through Facebook Lead Ads


In this tutorial you will discover what Facebook Lead Ads are, how they can quickly help you to acquire contacts, and how they integrate with Contactsend.


As the name implies, Facebook Lead Ads are advertisements that allow contact details to be collected through Facebook. When clicked, a Lead Ad opens a simple form, where people can show interest in a product or service by entering their details, enabling the company to make contact later as a result. The form fields can include the contact’s email address, a newsletter subscription option, or a follow-up request and similar.

Contactsend can be integrated with Facebook Lead Ads in just a few steps, enabling the contact data to be stored in a new or pre-existing database.

To be able to integrate Facebook Lead Ads, you need to have linked your Facebook Ads account with Contactsend. If you haven’t already linked your account, see this tutorial for all the required steps.

The following describes how to carry out the integration with an existing Contactsend database. If you want to create a new database for Facebook Lead Ads integration, see the appropriate section in the Contactsend Guide for the relevant steps. Once you have created the database, continue as described below.

To integrate Facebook Lead Ads with Contactsend, do the following:

  1. Sign in to the platform and click Configure > User db.
    The User database page displays.
  2. Click the required database, and under Integrations, click Facebook Lead Ads.
    The Facebook page displays.

  1. Click + Connect new Lead Ads form.
    The Select your Facebook Lead Ads form page displays.

  1. Select the appropriate Facebook Integration, Facebook Pages and Facebook Lead Ads form
    The Form fields configuration displays.
    To integrate a form, it must already have been created in Facebook.
  2. Under Fields configuration, select the Facebook form fields that you want to link to the database and automatically synchronize.
    You can also synchronize metadata such as adgroup_id, ad_id, created_time, leadgen_id, page_id and form_id.
  3. Under DB field, select the field in the database where the content of the relevant form field should be stored.
    For example, you may want to store the email form field contents in the EMAIL database field.
    You can only associate a form field with an existing database field. If you require additional database fields, you need to add them prior to carrying out this step. See the Contactsend Guide for details.
  4. Under Source identifier, enter the name of a field that should be used to save a constant value.
    This acts as a tag in the database to identify the form from which lead entries have come.

  1. Select Enable Facebook integration.
  2. When you are finished, click SAVE.
    You are returned to the Lead Ads tab of the Facebook page, and the form is added to the Form list.

When you create a campaign in Facebook, the Placement options enable you to choose whether it should be shown in Instagram as well, or just Facebook.
If you want to distinguish between forms received from Facebook and Instagram platforms, you need to give them separate names. Facebook metadata does not identify forms according to their placement.

Once Facebook Lead Ads have been integrated with Contactsend, you can proceed with an automatic message delivery to all your new contacts. For example, to send a welcome message. See this tutorial to find out more.

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Are you sending too many emails to your customers? Discover it


In this tutorial, you will learn how to ensure that you do not send too many deliveries to contacts on the same day, or within a defined time frame.

When you send communications, it is of course important that they are interesting and relevant. But you must also make sure that you do not risk irritating your recipients by sending them too many deliveries.

Contactplan enables you to define Do Not Disturb (DND) policies, which regulate the number of emails that are sent to contacts within a set period.

Take, for example, a fictional company called Maison, which has three brand divisions – clothes, shoes and accessories – each with an associated customer database. Some of their contacts are interested in products from more than one division and, as a result, are present in different databases. It is important that Maison configures limits for the number and frequency of its communications with the same people, and takes the contacts in multiple databases into account.


To create and deploy a DND policy, do the following:

  1. Sign in to the platform and click the Settings tab in the Control bar, followed by Do Not Disturb Policy.
  2. Click Create new DND policy.The Create new DND policy page displays.
  1. Give the policy a unique and recognizable name, for example, ‘Maison shoes, clothes and accessories’.
  2. Under Allowed sending: max, enter the appropriate value in the first box and select a time measurement from the drop-down list, such as days, weeks or months.
    This defines the maximum number of deliveries that can be sent to the same people within the selected period. For example, one email per day.
  3. Click Save.

You are returned to the DND policy management page and the new policy is added to the list.

In the Maison example, individual contacts may be present in the databases for all three divisions.  Because of this, the company needs to decide whether the DND policy should be applied to planned deliveries for just one Contactplan tenant, or those related to more than one database.

To apply the DND policy to all three databases, it should be set as Is Global on the DND policy management page.
For a global DND policy to be applied to a range of tenants, the virtual group to which they belong needs to be appropriately configured by Contactlab Customer Care.

You are now ready to apply the DND policy to a plan:

  1. Click the Plans tab in the Control bar, followed by Create new plan.
  2. Under When, configure the appropriate settings for your plan.
  3. Under Who, select the desired Segment, for example, ‘Maison Accessories’.
  4. Under DND policy, select the required policy, for example, ‘Maison shoes, clothes and accessories’.
  5. Configure the rest of your plan.

See the appropriate section in the Contactplan Guide for more about DND policies, or contact our Customer Care.

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