Data Retention

The retention policies that are applied by default to data managed by the Contactlab platform, include a data retention period of:

  • 3 months for data that originated from, or is associated with, web navigation.
    For example, a page or a product image from an e-commerce website.
  • 12 or 13 months for all other kinds of data.

Customer profile information is conserved for the full term of the contract agreed with Contactlab. In the following table, you can see the main entity types that are managed by the platform, together with the corresponding retention period, expressed in months.

Different needs can be considered with support from our experts, during the project definition phase.


PROFILO Contract lifetime
closedTicket 12
openedTicket 12
repliedTicket 12
campaignBlacklisted 13
campaignBounced 13
campaignLinkClicked 13
campaignMarkedSpam 13
campaignOpened 13
campaignSent 13
campaignSubscribed 13
campaignUnsubscribed 13
abandonedCart 12
addedCompare 3
addedProduct 12
addedWishlist 12
loggedIn 12
loggedOut 12
orderShipped 12
removedCompare 3
removedProduct 12
removedWishlist 12
reviewedProduct 12
viewedProduct 3
viewedProductCategory 3
addedReward 12
removedReward 12
campaignOptinRequested 13
eventConfirmed 12
eventDeclined 12
eventEligible 12
eventInvited 12
eventNoShow 12
eventNotInvited 12
eventParticipated 12
eventRegistered 12
grantedCoupon 12
surveyCompiled 12
genericActiveEvent 12
genericPassiveEvent 12
completedOrder 12
serviceSubscribed 12
serviceUnsubscribed 12
abandonedSession 3
changedSetting 12
clickedLink 3
formCompiled 12
searched 12
viewedPage 3