Well begun… the first months of our 2021

It has become a good habit over the last few years to take a moment after the first months of work to share what we have achieved compared to what we had promised. It is also an exercise that our teams do on a daily basis in order to align activities and not leave any fundamental step behind.

We have tried to summarise the main events of the past few months to date and we are proud of what we have managed to do, despite the difficulties and major changes that characterise this period, while maintaining and nurturing a constant channel of communication with our customers and the market. Receiving feedback in times of general uncertainty helps us in the evolution of the platform and its functionalities, guiding priorities. In this way we are always able to respond fully to the needs and requirements, sometimes unspoken, of the increasing number of brands that choose us.

Use email design to push your communications forward

At the beginning of 2020, there was a widespread idea that the email channel would lose ground in the following months. Forced social distancing has made us discover how even the strongest beliefs can be challenged. In a recent study marketers said email was the source of 59% of their ROI (Content Marketing Institute). Today, email marketing is more alive than ever and significant growth rates have been measured. Because of this, the intertwining of usage in recent times and the increase in emails sent and received, consumer expectations have increased. The limited time available to decide whether a communication is of interest or not requires quality messages that are immediately usable, attractive and do not require excessive download time and resources, especially for mobile consumers. 69% of recipients say they delete emails because they are not immediately affected (Janrain and Blue research). He then took up the topic of the weight of the images used or the possibility of differentiating content according to the target audience.



The attention paid to making the work of those who create emails simpler and faster is no less important. New features have been introduced for Email Designer, the platform’s drag-and-drop editor. Some are more evident, such as the optimisation of the preview on smartphones, others less: from the possibility of defining the space between letters to the definition of the heading or the copying of links in text fields, but all equally aimed at making the use intuitive and improving the quality of emails.

Optimise marketing campaign management

The interface redesign project started some time ago and we left it at the end of last year with a Christmas present, the announcement of the new area dedicated to audience creation. The year 2021 started on this path, leading to the renewed marketing automation section. The constant commitment in this direction has the objectives of improving navigability between the functions, keeping the company you are working on active, and offering an optimised tool for the streamlined and immediate management of campaigns.


Further improvements have involved the entire platform with a special focus on the profiling and creation of targets: new error messages guiding to their resolution, notifications confirming the synchronisation of data from updated profiles, customised display of the list of fields for selecting segmentation conditions.

Put marketing automation at the service of your acquisition, development and retention strategies

Placeholder flow

Let the platform work for you. Create journeys and automate tasks. Act quickly if contacts register for your new newsletter. Welcome them with a dedicated discount to be activated in their private area for the next online or in-store purchase by presenting the loyalty card. Design cross-channel customer journeys. Notify your customers by email when the credit card linked to their account is about to expire. Send them text messages confirming the change. And more… manage interactions with your ecommerce, post-purchase surveys, fundraising, and more.

PlanCreate simple targets and explore your audience

Basing on the unique profile of each contact, identify in real-time those who have visited the new collection page on your ecommerce but have not made any subsequent purchases. Create advanced and dynamic segments that include all customers in your shop who do not have an account on your online store or have not downloaded your multichannel campaign app. Quickly identify those who have shown you loyalty in the last period and who have reconfirmed as gold customers. Create custom audiences for retargeting campaigns.

Choose the email and SMS management method that suits you best thanks to the flexibility of Send

Whether you need to send service emails or mass mailings, we have the answer for you. Use the API to send abandoned cart alerts, password recovery notifications, order confirmations, credit card expiration, and ensure a secure and reliable https channel. Or rely on Smartrelay if you don’t have the skills or technology to develop a client or already have applications that generate emails and SMS on their own but are not effective. Ensure email authentication, maintain your reputation high and get feedback for maximum deliverability.

Do you want to announce the launch of a new collection or send a SMS to remind people the summer sales? You can do it directly from the interface and take care of every aspect and detail of the campaign or automate every creation and sending process by choosing XMLD if you have applications able to generate files in standard format, exploiting all the potential of Send. All in full compliance with GDPR regulations.


NL Issue 4

And now?

What’s in the pipeline now? A lot of new things coming up to satisfy the needs and requirements of a world in constant movement, offering a marketing cloud and digital services that can support brands in customer engagement activities that are increasingly challenging and crucial to business, sales and company success. Contact us and we will work together to identify the best strategies and activate the most effective campaigns for your results.


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Customise your target creation page – Plan Release UI v.1.37.0 & API v.1.36.1-2085

From June 8th, 2021, a new version of the platform segmentation functionality is available.
The release is planned between 2.15 pm and 2.45 pm CEST.

What can you do with this release?

When creating your targets, choose the order the fields are displayed according to how it is most effective and immediate for managing your campaigns.

You can in fact modify the list of user properties that the platform offers you, not only by going to the Default column and selecting or deselecting the fields that you wish to display, but also by changing the order of appearance.


Plan release

Once you have logged in, go to Settings > Segments > Field Settings. Here you will find a list of all the values available for audience creation.

The last Pos column allows you to change the viewing order by simply clicking on the arrows. You move the attributes in this way and the saving is contextual, i.e. it is done automatically without the need to save the change you have made.

Remember, however, that the new order only applies when creating a segment and not when opening a previously generated segment, which will display the valid order when it is first saved.

What it means

You can now decide how best to manage your workspace improving your user experience and allowing you to optimise time or operations for the creation of your targets.



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The best of the Marketing Cloud in 2020

We have just said goodbye to a special year in which we had to deal with unexpected events. We were used to our balances but they have been upset and the forecasts made for 2020 have been questioned, also in the field of marketing communications and customer engagement.

More than in the past, it’s time to look at the results, and so we have tried to do so, highlighting the best of what happened at the Marketing Cloud last year.

It was immediately apparent that social distancing called brands to new challenges, and in many cases accelerated digitalisation processes that had been postponed or put on hold.

The importance of customer relationships and the continuity of the relationship over time has gained strength. Brands have been forced to take every opportunity to communicate in the best possible way. Contact methods have been revised, timeframes have been changed and the management of increasingly high expectations has been modified.

Brands have thus realised how crucial it is to have the right tools: technologies and experts who team up and support them to accompany their customers during the purchasing phase and in the loyalty process, offering memorable experiences.

Let’s take a look at what happened in 2020 and try to get ideas to start again together for a breakthrough 2021!


Smartworking, (smart)platform.

Smartworking_2020When your brand has been smartworking, Contactlab’s Marketing Cloud has been a valuable ally in providing continuity in customer relationship management.

From the office or at home, day or night, with or without technical knowledge, at all levels of the company, a platform that is always available, up-to-date and within everyone’s reach. Accessible from any device or browser, with any type of connection and at any time of day. The brands have been able to really appreciate and understand how much the business survival can depend on the reliability of the available tools. We have put and continue to put everything at our disposal on the table so that business does not stop despite everything.


What the health emergency teaches to marketing engagement.

Personalized experienceThe Marketing Cloud has not only facilitated smartworking but has always provided what is needed to ensure a prompt response to new consumer needs and demands. The year 2020 teaches us that brands cannot do without paying attention to time management – timeliness and speed of communications and operations, to the quality of the relationship with the customer – unique and recognised across different channels, to the satisfaction of expectations – personalisation, attention to detail and fulfilment of promises. We must learn together from the past and renew our commitment to the future.


The personalisation of marketing campaigns made each relationship unique.


The Marketing Cloud has accompanied marketers in personalising their customer relationships. Through deep consumer knowledge, target profiling, automated customer experiences and omnichannel marketing, you were able to instantly recognise contacts at every opportunity, optimise communication time, maximise dialogue points and make your relationship unique. Your contacts understood that you were taking care of them.

Consumers are coming out of the emergency with an ever higher demand for attention, an immediate response to their searches, minimal time to process requests… they want to be heard immediately and managed consistently across all channels.


When traffic and orders on your ecommerce site increased, you were ready…

ecommerce & marketing automation…because you chose marketing automation! The pandemic has turned the world of shopping upside down and if at first we were forced to buy online, at a later stage we chose it. Analysts agree that the use of ecommerce will remain widespread post-pandemic. In 2020, the number of online transactions increased significantly, and this was more evident in products than in services. Brands have resorted to all the means necessary to manage a relationship that has moved from the store to the digital world. The Contactlab Marketing Cloud has followed you and supported you in the management of your ecommerce during the various stages of the sales cycle: promotional, purchase, post-purchase or abandonment, during the shipment of goods or customer care… often repetitive and standardised activities. This is precisely why it became vital to automate operations as much as possible, even the simplest ones, during a difficult time when it was necessary to concentrate energies and channel resources. The strong link between ecommerce and marketing automation became apparent.


You gained the attention of your contacts at first sight.


Consumers were heavily pressured by brands, they received many emails and the challenge was to capture their attention in a few moments. Contactlab’s email editors’ journey towards excellence has continued, and in 2020 we’ve offered you some great new features to make your work even easier and more intuitive while increasing the possibility of obtaining attractive emails in just a few clicks. Automatic import of your product data from the catalogue, different templates for desktop and mobile, changes to the email structure with a simple drag & drop, tags in the titles to create hierarchies even in the display of your HTML, real-time preview of your communications… these are just some of the releases we have put in place for you, and not only for the transactional communications that the distancing has imposed on you, but also for HTML to be used in your plans or in your customers’ journeys to fuel your dialogue, boost the conversion of your ecommerce visits into purchases, reduce the risk of abandonment, and increase the loyalty of your customers.


You have ensured that your reputation is always at the highest level for emails straight in the inbox!

Customers couldn’t get into your stores as much as you would have liked and so you found a way to go to them…digitally, revising the way you do email, intensifying contact opportunities and improving the quality of each appointment. But what good would all this have been if emails hadn’t reached the inbox of your contacts? So you have learned that not all malbox service providers behave in the same way; or how to improve the delivery rate to Gmail accounts which represent a large proportion of your recipients; or how, alongside an excellent tool for sending emails, Contactlab also offers experience and expertise to put in place actions that keep your brand reputation high; you have learned the meaning of terms such as DKIM, SPF and DMARC and how to use them to optimise your deliveries.

And you’ve discovered once again how the Marketing Cloud is the right partner for these adventures: from content creation and feedback management to deliverability and brand reputation. So that the final destination of your emails is always your customers’ inbox.

Gmail deliverability

You have counted on marketing automation that goes beyond sending newsletters: personalised, multi-channel, real-time journeys.

Mktg Automation infographic In recent years, marketing automation has revolutionised digital communication by reducing the time and distance between brands and consumers. The opportunity to automate was widely seized during the health emergency to keep continuous communication channels open. Automating has meant optimising all the customer relationship activities – think of the entire ecommerce world – reducing the dispersion of energy and improving engagement. Contactlab has focused a great deal on this area, considering it the activation engine of an engagement platform. An intelligent engine where you can orchestrate the customer journey with excellent content tested before use, effective and verified flows for enhanced promotion and refined targets, perhaps based on online purchasing behavior. Imagine how many engagement strategies you can put in place with data at your disposal, processing it to better understand your audience and profiling it to dialogue at the right time and in the right channels, on topics of real interest.


You have experienced a new UI with the latest design system.

Design_System_2020When choosing a platform, it often happens that much attention is paid to the features it offers and how it meets one’s needs. Usability, on the other hand, is left in the background. In a year like 2020 when platform usage has increased significantly, your marketeers could see how wrong this is. With the Marketing Cloud they have benefited from a renewed interface that has allowed them on the one hand to navigate between the functions in a more immediate and intuitive way, saving time, and on the other hand to be more effective and efficient in their daily operations with a significant reduction in the resources used. We have worked to give continuity to the process of constant improvement of the UI by reviewing labels, structures and elements and inserting components that guide users into the platform.


You have offered access to unique, enriched, updated and real-time customer profiles for all your business, marketing and other needs.

By using the Marketing Cloud you have realised that while collecting every possible piece of information about your contacts is of paramount importance, having huge amounts of unstructured data collected on separate systems far away from each other makes it unusable and of little value.

After Gartner and the CDP Institute, the platform has received another award that places it among the world’s leading partners for Customer Data Platform projects. Quadrant Solutions highlighted the features of the platform that make it a true CDP: the creation of single customer views, profiling and immediate availability of information. In addition, having an engineered CDP – i.e., one that has been conceived and designed to work seamlessly with Marketing Automation tools – allows brands to immediately activate data for your multichannel campaigns or customised customer journeys.


The hope of a breakthrough 2021.

We have already planned a lot of new things for the new year. We are learning that the world of digital marketing and customer engagement has changed and is constantly evolving. The platform is moving in precisely this direction, taking into account new variables that have emerged in the health emergency: new time management and new expectations on timing, a new way of using content, the strengthening of new purchasing and relationship channels, different needs and requirements. Contactlab renews its commitment to be at your side with a combination of technology and services that can make the difference for your business. Trust us, together we will face a great 2021. Contact us now.


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Do you want to see how your emails will be displayed just as you create them?

On desktop and mobile devices and for different mail and web clients?

In the next few days the latest web clients will be added to the long list of existing systems on which you have the possibility to preview in real time the email you are drawing. Exactly as your customers will see it!

You can do it directly in Send with a simple click, using the Instant Preview feature, without exiting the application to open and use an external tool. You can find the feature inside the wizard to create your delivery, accessible through a grey button.  




If the display doesn’t work correctly and there are changes to make, you can do them immediately in Send by requesting the generation of a new preview to check the result. The thumbnails of the email, open on different clients, are ready in a few seconds. You can also refine the request by filtering by client or by choosing a specific device or operating system in the drop-down menu.

By clicking on the desired thumbnail, the preview of the message is enlarged to its actual size. You can also get the horizontal view reproduced when the mobile device is rotated!

The new features introduced allow you to get previews for Outlook, Office 365, Gmail, AOL, Google Gapps and Comcast web clients on Edge, Firefox and Chrome.

And that’s not all: for the Outlook web client, the preview in Dark Mode has also been introduced, that is increasingly used by your customers.

If you still don’t use this feature, you can already try it directly in Send without requiring activation. In fact, every company has ten free previews available. Once they are sold out, you can decide whether to subscribe to the service and continue using it. For more information, contact your Contactlab representative or Customer Service.



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Change size to email template columns in one click!

From October 26th, 2020 a new feature of the Email Designer editor is available in Send. It extends the benefits of its adoption and allows the creation of emails with ease.

What can you do with this release?

Flexible columns

Thanks to a widget provided within the column properties, it is possible:

  • To add.
  • To resize.
  • To delete

columns with a simple mouse movement, all in real-time and no need for technical skills.

What does it mean?

With this release you are able to manage the size of your columns in seconds and change the structure whenever you need it.



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Test different strategies in the same automation – Release Flow UI v.2.34.0 and API v.2.25.0-24

From October 26th, 2020, a new Flow version is available.
The release is planned between 2:00 and 2:30 pm CEST.

What can you do with this release?

Step SplitSelect the condition to enter the flow and design an automation creating different flows. Test them and choose the most efficient one to achieve your goal.

Thanks to the new step split, you are able to build different but parallel paths, verify the winning one and block the others. In this way you can decide to address your contacts with a personalized journey, tailored to specific characteristics and habits but above all that has proven to work compared to other alternatives used in the test phase.Customer Journey: AB test

In fact, at any point of the journey you can decide to enter the A/B test step and continue with different content, actions, times, pauses, channels, conditions, controls, etc. to understand which option obtains the best results.

What does this mean?

Have more confidence that your customer journeys are successful and that the variables selected are the most correct for your results.

Imagine you want to launch a fundraising campaign for Christmas. Before you officially launch it, leverage your most loyal donors to understand which message could be the most interesting. On the one hand, you address some of them through interviews with doctors and healthcare professionals; on the other hand, through testimonials from patients and relatives. Same communication channel – email – but different content.

Or again, you decide to launch a campaign of discounts and promotions for the upcoming holidays season and you select two ways of approaching customers with email: in one case the sender is the shop where your contacts buy most frequently, in the other an email address created specifically for this occasion.

In short, whatever the choice, design your automations, check the results and decide which one to continue with no need to create the winning journey again.



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Flow release API v.2.24.0-14

From October 2nd, 2020, a new Flow version is available.
The release is planned between noon and 12:30 pm CEST.

The new versions include some minor bug fixes that enhance the application.


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Your products: from the catalog to your emails automatically! – Send Pagebuilder Release v.1.9.0

We haven’t stopped our activity during the Summer and a new Pagebuilder feature is now available for boosting your emails. Contactlab’s email editor is enhanced to help you produce sophisticated and engaging communication, elevating it to higher levels thanks to the support of our creatives!

What can you do with this release?

You can choose to populate the fields of your email with data about your products – name, short description, price, etc.. – in a fully automatic way.


How it works

In the list of modules visible on the left of the workspace and present in the template that you gradually enrich and update with information to build your email, you will find a space dedicated to products. Step 1


Clicking on the module, it opens a window in which you can select the product code of your interest. You also have the possibility, in addition to the product, to choose the language in which you want the text to appear. Stepp 2


Confirming it, all the data related to that product, automatically appear in your email exactly in the position you have chosen in advance with the contribution of our experts. Step 3

What does it means?

From now on you can create emails with a higher level of content customization and fully automatically. Reduce time and optimize operations.

Choose texts, images, CTAs, layouts and allow your products to move from the catalog to the emails in a snap of a finger!

Call us now. The new feature is already available but it must be activated by our team of experts on the specific email template you wish to work on.



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Send test for each email step in your journey – Flow release API v.2.23.0-923 and UI v.2.32.0

From August 19th, 2020, a new Flow version is available.
The release is planned between noon and 01:00 pm CEST.

What can you do with this release?

Send test emails to the addresses you want and each time you modify a template in your journey so that you can see the result immediately and make the appropriate changes before the actual delivery.

Thanks to this release you can customize text items of your communications and see how it looks like immediately by sending test emails to whoever you want. And you can do it for every single email step in your automation.

The goal is to streamline the test phase in particular in the management of variables in order to reduce the time required for the entire operation. Doing everything in the area dedicated to Marketing Automation means you no longer need to configure the event – i.e. the variable – in the Hub section because you will have everything immediately available during the creation of the journey.

You will test the graphics and effectiveness of your emailings instantly and within the same platform functionality!

How it works

CTAWhen you create a new step characterized by the send email action, and only after you have inserted the content of the template, the Create new test button will be enabled in blue.

At that point you can click it and choose who to send the test to.



What does this mean?

A huge support especially in case of complex journeys. You no longer have to wait for the creation of the entire flow but you can test the individual emails in the journey, whenever you need it and directly in the marketing automation tool.



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