Two new features that help make Email Designer even greater

Two important news for the email editor Email Designer available in Send and in the Marketing Cloud. These two allow you to create increasingly attractive emails with ease.

What can you do with this release?

New block: Title

Thanks to new “Title” block, you can improve the navigation within your email and further optimise the customer experience. Use the H1, H2 and H3 headings, and create visual hierarchies. It will be easier for your customers to move around the template and identify the content you want to highlight.



Copy and paste in the Text block

This option allows you to copy and paste links into the Text block without losing them and making it even easier and faster to create your templates.



What it means

With this release you have the opportunity to optimally manage the elements of your templates, supporting the visualisation and effectiveness of your messages. All in simplicity and in just a few seconds.



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