User statistics

The user statistics area is used to view details of every action (opens, clicks) performed by each single user in all the sends of a group (fig. 1)



Figure 1: List of the group campaigns sent to the user



These statistics by user can be used for various purposes. For example, by analyzing the days and times when a user opens his emails, you can discover whether he connects most from work or from home and, therefore, whether he corresponds to a “home” or “office” profile.


Nell’area statistiche utenti è possibile richiedere un report contenente il dettaglio di ogni azione (apertura, click) compiuta da ogni singolo utente in tutti gli invii effettuati in un determinato arco temporale: da ultima spedizione a ultimo anno (fig. 1)

clab-ctrl_stat_utImage 1

The relevant report (.csv) will be ready for download in the “my contactlab > downloads” section.

Here’s a description of file fields:

recipient: email address

mailqID: unique id for that user in that campaign

userID: primary key

deliveryID: campaign id


  • 1 > Delivered -1 > Bounce -2 > Error -3 > Permanent Blacklist -4 > Cancelled (interrupted) -5 > Temporary Blacklist

deliveryDate: campaign sending date

actionType: event type:

  *   e > Error
  *   b > Bounce
  *   i > Cancelled
  *   v > View
  *   c > Click
  *   o > Optout
  *   s > Optin
  *   m > Profile update
  *   k > blacklist match (the email address was already permanently blacklisted before the sending)
  *   j >  temp blacklist match (the email address was already temporarily blacklisted before the sending)
  *   y > temp blacklist access (with this sending, the address has been blacklisted temporarily)
  *   z > blacklist access  (with this sending, the address has been blacklisted permanently)
  *   a > abuse
  *   f > feedback loop
  *   l > list unsubscribe

actionDate: event date

actionIP: ip address of the user who generated the event

actionClassification: Depending on the event type, it provides further details.
E.G: Event C (click): link category id (0=default); Event V (open): 0 from desktop, 1 from mobile; Event B (bounce): bounce category id

actionRefID: reference ID for the event (e.g in case of click, it’s the link id)