Insert Social share buttons

You can insert in your message special codes to allow final users to share your contents over supported social networks:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Linkedin
  • Google+

The friend will receive a message containing the link to a static version of the message stored on our servers.</p>

Within the html code, click the icon of the desired social network to place the proper sharing snippet (fig.1).</p> clab_come_fareper_condivisione_social_network Image 1 In image 2 we see, as an example, a sharing to Facebook.clab_come_fareper_condivisione_social_network_fb</p> Image 2 All available codes are highlighted in image 3. clab_come_fareper_condivisione_social_network_codici</p> Image 3 We suggest to add Open Graph properties to your email (see Create section chapter) in order to make it easy to retrive a title, description an main picture for Facebook sharing (image 4) clab_come_fareper_condivisione_social_networkopengraphpropertiesImage 4

The result can be seen in image 5. clab_come_fareper_condivisione_social_networkopengraphproperties02 Figura 5

In the following step, you need to “publish on web” your message.

ATTENZIONE: hai attivato un’opzione di condivisione, per il suo funzionamento la pubblicazione su web è necessaria