Welcome to Resources

Here you can find articles, tutorials, infographics, videos and other materials that explain how to use our products to their full potential, and help you understand how they can be used to grow your business.

Article | Tutorial | Videos

Design multipath journeys with Flow, for outstanding customer experience personalization


Big news at the end of the year for Flow, the automation module of the Contactlab Marketing Cloud, which will enable you to design and execute Customer Journeys that are even closer to your needs, and your customers’ expectations. From today, you can use any Hub-based event to trigger the next step in an automation, as soon as it is added to a contact’s individual profile, rather than just email opens and clicks. And now you can also create multipath journeys to further differentiate the channels you use, and  the communications contacts will receive, based on pre-set conditions.  ...

Article | Videos

Analytics arrives and your data takes shape


Today, Contactlab announces Analytics, the new platform module and the latest great news of 2018. More and more each day, the future of companies resides in data. Being able to query it in a structured and speedy way, while allowing the data to be readily understood and transformed into actions, is becoming a key success factor for brands, especially in a world where shoppers are becoming increasingly demanding and looking for unique customer experiences. ...

Article | Videos

Chat on WhatsApp with your customers: Up to 5 IM channels in One!


Thanks to One,  you can now converse with your customers on WhatsApp. Until yesterday, you could count on Facebook Messenger, Line, Telegram and WeChat, but now you can chat with your contacts using another of the most popular instant messaging apps, which is already used by millions of people around the world. From today, you can offer your Sales Associates a new channel to communicate with their customers. ...

Article | Tutorial | Videos

Discover contact behavior over time in Plan


The platform is enriched with a new feature that allows you to discover the behavior of your customers in the time horizon that most interests you by querying the data in Plan. You can get information on the whole database or on a specific segment; for a timely period of time or indicating when to display the data. ...


Another year together has ended and we are ready for 2023!


Our 2022: many news, many activities, many releases, with the common denominator to invest in the future of our platform so that it continues to be the reference tool for many organizations that wish to invest in the world of digital marketing and take the experiences they offer to customers and their business to the next level. ...


Selling easier online with ecommerce and marketing clouds always connected


One in four Italians make hybrid purchases. Shopping is becoming more articulated and consumer needs are changing. Physical and digital worlds meet and coexist collaboratively in customers’ shopping paths where retailers open up to the online and the online gains strength and vigour. ...


Another year together has ended and we are ready for 2023!


Our 2022: many news, many activities, many releases, with the common denominator to invest in the future of our platform so that it continues to be the reference tool for many organizations that wish to invest in the world of digital marketing and take the experiences they offer to customers and their business to the next level. ...


Selling easier online with ecommerce and marketing clouds always connected


One in four Italians make hybrid purchases. Shopping is becoming more articulated and consumer needs are changing. Physical and digital worlds meet and coexist collaboratively in customers’ shopping paths where retailers open up to the online and the online gains strength and vigour. ...


Is the web behavior of your contacts really interesting for increasing sales?


The presence online of your contacts is not only confined to the moment of purchase. To maximise the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, you need to record consumer behavior before and after and use this information for activities that capture their attention, guide them in their searches till the cart, reducing abandoned sessions and increasing conversions of visitors to customers. ...


Another year together has ended and we are ready for 2023!


Our 2022: many news, many activities, many releases, with the common denominator to invest in the future of our platform so that it continues to be the reference tool for many organizations that wish to invest in the world of digital marketing and take the experiences they offer to customers and their business to the next level. ...


Email Designer did not go on holiday, new features already available on the platform!


Often the relationship with your customers starts with an email. Being able to design and create attention-grabbing, navigable, easily usable emails, even on mobile, are the key to immediately bringing consumers on board and accompanying them in their choice of your products and services. A great email template can become the key to increasing your conversions and invigorating your business. ...

Article | Infographic

MC series #5. What can you do with the Marketing Cloud?


We have now reached the fifth and final appointment in the series dedicated to the Contactlab Marketing Cloud. Having reviewed the features that distinguish the platform and its main functions, it is now time to understand when to use it. ...

Article | Infographic

MC series #4: Learn from the data and optimise your future campaigns


We continue to talk about Contactlab’s Marketing Cloud, and today we’re going to look at some of the insights offered by the data collected on your contacts and campaigns, allowing you to obtain the information you need to design future communication strategies, with an extra gear towards success. ...


Call us and find out why our competitors are talking about us


The human touch is our treasure, our experts who, thanks to their long-standing presence in the market, the skills they have brought home over time and their continuous training, enable the availability of cutting-edge technology and enhance the qualities and functionalities that the marketing cloud can offer to marketing communication activities. ...

Article | Release

The best of the Marketing Cloud in 2020


2020 has collect a great legacy from 2019. Despite the health emergency, on one hand we managed what we had promised and on the other hand, social distancing demonstrated even more the value of customer engagement with the Marketing Cloud signed Contactlab, for digital communication activities and lasting customer relationships. ...

Article | Tutorial

The best for the Marketing Cloud in 2019


2019 has continued where 2018 left off, with Contactlab’s new and innovative Marketing Cloud. Now, we can say that without doubt, the release of several new, powerful and feature-rich enhancements has been the highlight of this year. ...


UI/UX series: Even color plays its part


Color is a very important means of communication in any visual language. It represents one of the most effective ways of transposing one or more concepts from one place to another. Supported by colors, you can indicate which components are interactive, how they relate to other elements, and their level of prominence. ...


UI/UX series: When the UX determines the success of a platform


We at Contactlab have always had the aim of giving our customers the best interaction experience possible while using the Marketing Cloud. With this in mind, our commitment to the design and re-design of the platform was born… and continues today. ...