For the third year running, Contactlab included in Quadrant Solutions’ SPARK Matrix™ CDP

New recognition for the platform. Quadrant Solutions recognised Contactlab as a leading technology partner for Customer Data Platform projects for the third year running. To request the report read here.

Thanks to the refined and comprehensive data management capabilities included in the Marketing Cloud, Contactlab appears in the SPARK Matrix™: Customer Data Platform (CDP), 2022.

The main features of the platform highlight by the analyst are:

  • Unique customer view: unique profiles for each individual contact resulting from the integration of data collected on different online and offline touchpoints such as loyalty programs, web browsing, ecommerce, physical store, etc.
  • Profiles enrichment with statistics and predictive information: RFM, CLV, email engagement, and customisable algorithms.
  • Advanced profiling and segmentation: audiences based on demographic, behavioral and predictive data from BI processing.
  • Immediate availability of data for real-time activation: marketing automation, multi-channel campaigns, transactional emails, customer service, etc.

An engineered CDP conceived and designed from the very beginning to automatically dialogue with delivery tools, allows brands not to miss a beat and use the data collected and integrated at the precise moment it is needed to communicate in a personalised way with customers.

So, if you are looking for a platform that can help you create increasingly targeted and effective customer engagement strategies, designed for each individual contact and be able to measure the results, contact us and our experts will have the answers you are looking for.





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