Segment details

Standard segments

The details of a particular segment are displayed in the Edit segment page, which includes the following fields, controls and panels:

  • The segment name.
  • Controls to add further rules to the segment.
    See Editing a segment for more details.
  • The Summary panel.
    Positioned to the right of the page. See Segment Summary panel for more details.
  • A series of buttons at the bottom of the page:
    • Back to segments list
      Returns you to the Segments list view of the My segments page.
    • Delete
      Deletes the segment.
      See Deleting a segment for more details.
      This action cannot be reversed.
    • Save
      Saves the segment.
    • Start new plan
      Enables you to create a new plan, which uses the current segment, by opening the New plan page. See Creating new plans for more details.

Combined segments

The details of a combined segment are displayed in the Edit combined segment page, which includes the following fields, controls and panels:

  • The combined segment name.
  • Controls to add or delete segments.
    See Creating a new combined segment and Editing a combined segment for more details.
  • The interaction condition buttons:
    • AND
      Only the contacts that conform with the rules for both segments are included in the total contacts.
    • OR
      The contacts that conform with the rules for either segment are included in the total contacts.
      The contacts that are defined by the second segment are removed from those identified by the first segment.
  • The Back to segments list button.
    Returns you to the Segments list view of the My segments page.
  • The Save button.
    Saves the combined segment.