The reporting function enables you to view and download general and detailed information about automations. You can, for example:
- Select the reporting time frame.
This enables you, for example, to view all the automations that were created during a defined period, regardless of their status. - Select automations according to the Automation type.
- View a list of all the relevant automations.
The list includes a summary of the key aspects of each automation, such as the number of contacts that:- Were available at the start of the automation.
- Have successfully been used for the automation.
- Are currently being used by the automation.
- Download a report in *.CSV format for the identified automations.
The report includes a broad range of information, such as:- The Automation UUID, name, description, category and author.
- The start and end dates, time zone and status.
- Queued, total, completed, error, running, removed and excluded contacts.
- Details for each step or action.
- For Action steps, the feedback from Contactsend regarding delivery, bounces, opens, clicks and similar, if applicable.
- Select the reporting time frame.