The details of a particular plan are displayed in the Edit plan page. This page varies slightly depending upon whether:
- You are viewing a plan in the Ready, Drafts, Archive, Error or Recurrence category.
- It is a One shot or a Repeated plan.
The page includes the following panels, fields and controls:
- The plan name.
- The plan Status.
Draft, ready, error and similar. - If available:
- The filter ID and name.
- The delivery ID, name and status.
- The When panel, which includes two tabs:
- One shot:
- The Day & hour and Time zone of the plan.
- Repeated:
- The Day & hour, Time zone and Repetition interval of the plan.
- The End date for the recurring plan.
- The Load recurrences button.
See Creating new plans for more about the Repeated tab.
- One shot:
- The Who panel, including:
- The Segment used for the plan.
- The DND policy, if applied.
- An Advanced options section.
Click the downwards pointing arrow to the left, to access the List generation and Set contacts number options.
See Creating new plans for more details.
- The Action panel, including:
- The Consumer panel, which shows the external target for running the plan.
See Creating new plans for more details.
- The Consumer panel, which shows the external target for running the plan.
- A series of buttons at the bottom of the page:
- Back to plans list.
Returns you to the Plans list view of the My plans page. - Delete
Deletes the plan.
See Deleting a plan for more details.
This action cannot be reversed.
If you are viewing an Archive plan, this button only displays if you have Admin permissions.
If the delivery that is associated with a Ready plan has been completed or is being processed, this button is not available.
- Download
Enables you to download the appropriate list in CSV format. Only displays for Ready, Archive and Error plans, but not if they are recurring.
The list only includes the contact ID and email address. However, due to the sensitive nature of this information, only users with Admin permissions can download a list.
- Reopen
Enables you to re-open a plan for editing. Only displays for Ready plans.
See Editing a plan for more details.
This action cannot be reversed.
If the delivery that is associated with a Ready plan has been completed or is being processed, this button is not available. - Clone
Enables you to create a copy of a plan for editing. Only displays for Archive plans.
See Editing a plan for more details. - Save As Draft
Enables you to save a Draft plan for later editing. Only displays for Draft and Error plans, or a clone of an Archive plan.
See Editing a plan for more details.
- Save
Enables you to save a Draft plan as Ready. Only displays for Draft and Error plans, or a clone of an Archive plan.
- Back to plans list.
If you are viewing plans using the Archive filter, only the Back to plans list, Download, Save As Draft and Clone buttons are normally available. See Downloading contacts from an Archive plan below for more details. If you have Admin permissions, the Delete button also displays.
Draft, Ready, Archive, Error and Recurrence plans
A Draft plan is one that has been created, but is not yet activated as ready. It is a plan that is perhaps not yet complete, or one that has been saved in an unready state for another reason. Draft plans can be edited, even if the time and date that it is set to run has passed. See Editing a plan for more details.
A Ready plan is a finished plan that has been assigned to be run at a particular time on a selected date. Ready plans can be edited up until the time and date that they are due to run. See Editing a plan for more details.
An Archive plan is a Ready plan that has been run. While Archive plans can be cloned, they can only be deleted by users with Admin permissions. See Editing a plan for more details.
An Error plan is one that has resulted in an error. For example, a contact list has not been generated, or a campaign has not been created in Contactsend.
A Recurrence plan is one that is set to repeat and end as defined. A Recurrence plan can be included in any of the other categories, if it matches the appropriate conditions.
Downloading contacts from an Archive plan
Do the following:
- Click Archive in the Plans list view.
- Locate and click the required plan.
The Edit plan page displays. - Click Download.
An Explorer window displays. - Navigate to where you want to store the file, and click Save.
- The file is saved and the Explorer window closes.