Viewing, editing and creating a view node

To view and/or edit a view node, do the following:

  1. Ensure Settings > Customers hub > HierarchyView is selected.
  2. Locate and click the relevant node.
    The Edit node page displays, with the name of the node as the heading.
  3. Do the following, as required:
    The unique identifier that is assigned to the node displays beneath the heading. It cannot be edited.

    1. Add or change the URL of the image that is to represent the node in the UI.
    2. Change the Name of the node.
  4. Click Update to save your changes, or click the X button in the top right-hand corner of the page to abort the process.
    You are returned to HierarchyView.

You can delete a view node by clicking Remove, positioned to the left of the Save button. This action is immediate and cannot be reversed.

Creating a view node

View nodes are now deprecated. As a result, new view nodes can no longer be created.