The Other resources page

Settings > Other resources only displays if you have the appropriate admin permissions.

The Other resources page is read-only, and displays:

  • Whether the company is active, inactive or suspended.
  • The details of the Send and Plan modules that have been configured for the selected company.
    If a particular module is not configured for the company, the detail pages only display headings with no content.
  • Information about any integration accounts.

See Getting started, selecting the workspace and changing your profile or settings for more about changing the company.

The page includes the following tabs:

When you open the Other resources page, the Send page displays by default.

The Send page

The Send page includes:

  • The User activity button.
    Displays the User activity page.
  • A table with a list of the details for each User DB:
    • The DB ID and Name.
    • The Number of contacts that the DB includes.
    • The Number of filtered contacts.
      Click the button to the right of the text to calculate the number of filtered contacts for each database.
  • The status of Smart Relay.
  • A list of any available DataExchange configurations and their details.
  • A list of available SFTP connections and their configuration details.

The Plan page

The Plan page includes:

  • The User activity button.
    Displays the User activity page.
  • A table with a list of the details for each Tenant:
    • The creation date.
    • The GroupPk, ID, Label, UserDB ID and UserDB Name.
    • The Number of contacts not in a suppression list.

The User activity page

The User activity page displays a read-only list of the first and last time users accessed the appropriate application. To open the page:

  • Click the User activity button on the Contactsend or Contactplan page.
    The relevant User activity page displays.

The Integration accounts page

The Integration accounts page displays a read-only list of special, non-interactive users. This generally means virtual users, which are used to connect external applications.