Purchase Analytics

To display the Purchaser Analytics page, click the Customers > Customers and Events in the Sidebar and select the Purchases tab.

The page includes details of all purchases, or those that have taken place in a specific context, for the defined analysis period. It is made up of the following fields and panels:

  • A Context filter field.
    Enables you to select the purchase context. For example, a digital campaign purchase, a retail purchase, a Web purchase and similar.
  • The Purchases summary panel.
    Displays the Total revenue, Number of orders and other similar summary information, according to the defined Context filter.
  • The Revenue vs Units sold trend panel.
    Displays the distribution of revenue against sales, over the defined period of time.

You can choose to display the data on a Day, Week or Month basis.

  • The New vs existing customer and Context distribution panel.
    Displays the distribution of new customers against existing ones, together with the relevant contexts, such as retail, e-commerce and similar.
  • The Top 10 products panel.
    Displays the distribution of revenue, the number of units sold and the number of units returned, for the top 10 products.
  • The Top five product categories panel.
    Displays the distribution of revenue and the number of units sold, for the top five product categories.
  • The Top five stores panel.
    Displays the distribution of revenue and the number of units sold, for the top five stores or other outlets.
  • The Revenue and orders distribution panel.
    Displays the distribution of revenue and orders, according to customer Gender, Age range and Country.