CDP and actionable data

CDP & Actionable Data

In the world of the engagement marketing, CDP and actionable data are two extremely important and deeply related topics.

While the heart of a Customer Data Platform is data, having huge amounts of unstructured data collected on separate systems makes them unusable.

Intercepting, collecting, organizing and managing data means adding value to it. A CDP solution allows you to:

  • Integrate data from different sources – online and offline – and available on different contact channels – SMS, email, push notifications… up to the store.
  • Structure data in single customer view.
  • Process the data to enrich the information available for each single contact.
  • Make the profile thus obtained and updated available again to anyone who needs it, at any company level and wherever they are.

The Contactlab Marketing Cloud offers CDP functionalities able of providing actionable data, i.e. making them immediately usable for engagement marketing activities.

What do we mean with actionable data?

We’ve tried to summarize the main features that must have data to be actionable in the engagement marketing world.

  • Structured: organized in a clear and understandable way.
  • Available in real-time: ready to be used, that’s why we say immediate actionable data.
  • Accessible: data easily available at any time.
  • Multidevice: reachable from any device, even mobile.
  • Interoperable: automatically integrated with third party applications and exported into lists or files.
  • Quality: deduplicated, complete, always updated and managed in accordance with the GDPR.

Contactlab Marketing Cloud offers just that. It creates unique profiles and makes available data that, managed in this way, gives brands a decisive value for their marketing initiatives. Integration into enriched profiles allows you to obtain the history of each contact in a single point: past, present and even future – thanks to predictive algorithms. Above all, information that can be used immediately:

  • Automatically.
  • In real time.
  • Within the platform itself or shareable with external systems thanks to the wide availability of APIs that amplify its functions and uses.

Why are actionable data important?

For example, but not only:

  • For further processing: having updated and complete data available exactly when they are needed gives brands the opportunity to choose data processing tools and to discover new information that is apparently not visible. These are KPIs, statistics but above all predictive analysis that enrich the profiles of anticipations, inserting contacts into behavioral clusters and exponentially increasing their value.
  • For example, to activate new initiatives within predefined customer journeys, such as reactions to behaviors or the occurrence of events recorded in the profile and selected as a condition to trigger activities. Automations designed to follow the contact throughout the life cycle and during the entire relationship with the brand. But maybe even simply during punctual campaigns, individual initiatives or service communications.
  • To take decisions. If brands can access contacts data, they can count on information about habits, preferences and actions, and this allows brands to customize the relationship by segmenting and addressing audiences with correct messages. In addition, having usable ready-to-use data allows you to carry out micro-analysis, detailing the results of your marketing activities and using what emerges to plan future initiatives. Not to speak of the precious opportunity to use actionable data in order to take business decisions, that can go from the management of the warehouse, to the choice to completely change strategy of product with consequences on where to address the investments.

Immediate benefits deriving from the actionable data

  • Reduction of data management time.
  • Reduction of the management costs of communication activities.
  • Timeliness in engagement marketing campaigns.
  • Creation of real-time marketing strategies.
  • Personalization of the Customer Experience.
  • Loyalty and optimization of business results.


In the era of Big Data, it is not a question of having the most data. Rather, the real success is achieved by brands that manage to make this data a competitive advantage, to use it to improve the relationship with their customers. They are the ones who transform the endless streams of scattered and uneven raw data into usable resources and useful insights to improve their business.

Contact us and together we will see how to give this opportunity to your brand now!



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