On March 8th, 2017 Contactplan 1.4 will be released. Deploy is planned starting from 2.15PM and up to 3.15PM CET.
No out of services will be caused by the deploy. As precautionary measure, it is suggested not to operate on Contactplan or Shapemailer during the update. Please perform logout or login after the deploy is ended to enjoy the latest UI.
A quick look to the main new features in this release:
Export to FTP server
Now you can select field separator (comma, semi-colon…) and field enclosures (single quote, double quote….) to be used in the csv file generated by a plan and saved on the external FTP server. File transfer uses SFTP secure protocol.
Enhanced data loading process
Further enhancements in data loading process to reduce spare time and speed up the whole loading process.
UI Settings
Input types for segments creation can now be set from Setting > Field Setting. This allows users to choose most suitable input type among the ones available for each field (checkbox, multi-options, auto-complete…).
Contacthub integration
ECommerce events saved into Contacthub are now automatically available in Contactplan for behavioral segmentation.
Performance has been improved, with particular attention to management of several plans scheduled for the same target date and hour.
For a complete list of all features, improvements and fixes, you can read the full changelog of version 1.4.