Every day, consumers carry out countless actions. No matter where they are, or what they do, consumers leave traces: The web pages they visit, the apps they use, the stores they shop at… A huge quantity of data, which all translates into valuable information about who they are.
Have you ever asked yourself what you could do, if there was a simple way to use all this data to get to know your costumers better? What if they could enable you to create a customized dialogue with each of them?
Contacthub is the solution that lets you collect, update and make all your consumer data and events from different sources, readily accessible in one place, in real-time…Enabling you to build individual profiles for each, and then make the information available to all your company systems.
Now you can, know your constumers and personalise your relationship!
How? Contacthub is an integral part of the Contactlab Engagement Marketing platform, while the powerful REST API, SDK, JavaScript Analytics and third party software plug-ins ensure simple and effective integration with your systems.
Read more and discover Contacthub.