E-commerce Analytics

To display the E-commerce Analytics page, click the Customers > Customers and Events in the Sidebar and select the E-commerce tab.

The page includes the details of e-commerce sales and returns, the value of abandoned carts, the distribution between new and existing customers, the top 10 products and similar, for the defined analysis period. It is made up of the following fields and panels:

  • The Activity summary panel.
    Displays the Total sales, Total returns, Abandoned cart value and other similar summary information.
  • The Sales vs Abandoned cart panel.
    Displays the distribution of sales against abandoned carts, over the defined period of time.
  • The New vs existing customer and Top 5 stores distribution panel.
    Displays the distribution of new customers against existing ones, together with the top five e-commerce outlets.
  • The Top 10 products panel.
    Displays the top 10 products, categorized by Completed orders and Abandoned carts.
  • The Top 5 categories panel.
    Displays the top five product categories, categorized by Completed orders and Abandoned carts.
  • The Top 10 products by event panel.
    Displays the top 10 products, according to whether they have been Viewed, Added to a cart or Removed from one.
  • The Top 5 categories by event panel.
    Displays the top five product categories, according to whether they have been Viewed, Added to a cart or Removed from one.
  • The Revenue panel.
    Displays the distribution of revenue by Gender and Age range.
  • The Top 5 products and categories panels.
    Displays the top five products and product categories by Gender and Age range.