Digital table

The following describes each of the columns in the Digital Business View table.

The Digital Business View table columns

Column Name Description
 mailq_id  Customer ID from Send.
 email  Email address.
 customer_hub_id  Unique Hub customer ID.
 email_domain  Email domain.
 delivered  Delivered emails.
 real_sent  Number of emails sent.
 not_real_sent  Number of not real sends (used in some dashboards).
 match_temp_blacklist  If 1, the recipient matches an entry in the temporary blacklist, so the email was not sent.
 match_def_blacklist  If 1, the recipient matches an entry in the blacklist, so the email was not sent.
 error  If 1, there has been an error. so the recipient did not receive the email.
 cancelled  If 1, there has been an error. so the recipient did not receive the email.
 sent_datetime  When the email is sent.
 delivery_datetime_original  Original date of delivery.
 delivery_id  The delivery ID in Send.
 delivery_id_container  The delivery container ID.
 delivery_status  The delivery status.
 delivery_type  Type of delivery:
 template_medium  The template medium.
 bounced  If 1, the email has been bounced.
 bounce_type  The bounce type.
 inserted_temp_blacklist  Feedback indicates the recipient with this email address is in the temporary blacklist.
 inserted_def_blacklist  Feedback indicates the recipient with this email address is in the blacklist.
 blacklisting_type  The blacklist type.
 unsubscribed  The number of unsubscribe events. 
 has_unsubscibed  If 1, the recipient has unsubscribed.
 abuse  The number of abuse events. 
 has_abuse  If 1, the recipient has an abuse event.
 feedbackloops  The number of feedback loop events. 
 has_feedbackloop  If 1, the recipient has a feedback loop event.
 opens  Number of opens.
 has_opens  If 1, the recipient has opened.
 opens_mobile  Number of opens on a mobile.
 has_open_mobile  If 1, the recipient opened on a mobile.
 opens_desktop  Number of opens on a desktop.
 has_opens_desktop  If 1, the recipient opened on a desktop.
 opens_tablet  Number of opens on a tablet.
 has_opens_tablet  If 1, the recipient opened on a tablet.
 clicks  Number of clicks.
 has_clicks  If 1, the recipient clicked.
 clicks_mobile  Number of clicks on a mobile.
 has_click_mobile  If 1, the recipient clicked on a mobile.
 clicks_desktop  Number of clicks on a desktop.
 has_clicks_desktop   If 1, the recipient clicked on a desktop.
 clicks_tablet  Number of clicks on a tablet.
 has_clicks_tablet  If 1, the recipient clicked on a tablet.
 kpi_engagement_fixed_ref_id  Identifies when the fixed email engagement algorithm ran.
 kpi_engagement_fixed_cluster  Customer fixed email engagement cluster value at the time of the event.
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_ref_id  Identifies when the moving average email engagement algorithm ran.
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_cluster  Customer moving average email engagement cluster value at the time of the event.



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