Customer table

The following describes each of the columns in the Customer Business View table.

The Customer Business View table columns

 Column Name  Type  Description
 customer_hub_id TEXT  Unique Hub customer ID.
 customer_registered_date TIMESTAMP  Customer registration date. 
 customer_last_update TIMESTAMP  Last profile update in Hub.
 customer_gender TEXT  Gender.
 customer_date_of_birth DATE  Date of birth.
 customer_email TEXT  Email address.
 customer_mobile TEXT  Mobile number.
 customer_city TEXT  City.
 customer_country TEXT  Country.
 customer_province TEXT  Province.
 customer_street TEXT  Street address.
 customer_zip TEXT  ZIP or post code.
 customer_facebook TEXT  Whether customer has a Facebook profile.
 customer_google TEXT  Whether the customer has a Google profile.
 customer_instagram TEXT  Whether the customer has an Instagram profile.
 customer_linkedin TEXT  Whether the customer has a LinkedIn profile.
 customer_qzone TEXT  Whether the customer has a Qzone profile.
 customer_twitter TEXT  Whether the customer has a Twitter profile.
 customer_classic_profiling_consent_status BIT  If 1, the customer has consented to profiling.
 customer_classic_profiling_consent_objection BIT  If 1, there is an objection to profiling.
 customer_classic_profiling_consent_limitation BIT  If 1, there is a limitation to profiling.
 kpi_clv_ref_id_0 BIGINT  Identifies when the CLV algorithm last ran.
 kpi_clv_predicted_cluster_0 TEXT  Predicted customer  CLV cluster value in the last run.
 kpi_clv_churn_prob_0 DOUBLE  Customer churn probability value in the last run.
 kpi_clv_current_cluster_0 TEXT  Customer CLV cluster value in the last run.
 kpi_clv_predicted_expense_0 DOUBLE  Predicted customer expenditure value in the last run.
 kpi_clv_ref_id_1 BIGINT  Identifies the next to last time the CLV algorithm ran.
 kpi_clv_predicted_cluster_1 TEXT  Predicted customer  CLV cluster value in the next to last run.
 kpi_clv_churn_prob_1 DOUBLE  Customer churn probability value in the next to last run.
 kpi_clv_current_cluster_1 TEXT  Customer CLV cluster value in the next to last run.
 kpi_clv_predicted_expense_1 DOUBLE  Predicted customer expenditure value in the next to last run.
 kpi_clv_ref_id_2 BIGINT  Identifies the third to last time the CLV algorithm ran.
 kpi_clv_predicted_cluster_2 TEXT  Predicted customer  CLV cluster value in the third to last run.
 kpi_clv_churn_prob_2 DOUBLE  Customer churn probability value in the third to last run.
 kpi_clv_current_cluster_2 TEXT  Customer CLV cluster value in the third to last run.
 kpi_clv_predicted_expense_2 DOUBLE  Predicted customer expenditure value in the third to last run.
 kpi_clv_ref_id_3 BIGINT  Identifies the fourth to last time the CLV algorithm ran.
 kpi_clv_predicted_cluster_3 TEXT  Predicted customer  CLV cluster value in the fourth to last run.
 kpi_clv_churn_prob_3 DOUBLE  Customer churn probability value in the fourth to last run.
 kpi_clv_current_cluster_3 TEXT  Customer CLV cluster value in the fourth to last run.
 kpi_clv_predicted_expense_3 DOUBLE  Predicted customer expenditure value in the fourth to last run.
 kpi_clv_ref_id_4 BIGINT  …
 kpi_clv_predicted_cluster_4 TEXT  …
 kpi_clv_churn_prob_4 DOUBLE  …
 kpi_clv_current_cluster_4 TEXT  …
 kpi_clv_predicted_expense_4 DOUBLE  …
 kpi_clv_ref_id_5 BIGINT  …
 kpi_clv_predicted_cluster_5 TEXT  …
 kpi_clv_churn_prob_5 DOUBLE  …
 kpi_clv_current_cluster_5 TEXT  …
 kpi_clv_predicted_expense_5 DOUBLE  …
 kpi_clv_ref_id_6 BIGINT  …
 kpi_clv_predicted_cluster_6 TEXT  …
 kpi_clv_churn_prob_6 DOUBLE  …
 kpi_clv_current_cluster_6 TEXT  …
 kpi_clv_predicted_expense_6 DOUBLE  …
 kpi_clv_ref_id_7 BIGINT  …
 kpi_clv_predicted_cluster_7 TEXT  …
 kpi_clv_churn_prob_7 DOUBLE  …
 kpi_clv_current_cluster_7 TEXT  …
 kpi_clv_predicted_expense_7 DOUBLE  …
 kpi_clv_ref_id_8 BIGINT  …
 kpi_clv_predicted_cluster_8 TEXT  …
 kpi_clv_churn_prob_8 DOUBLE  …
 kpi_clv_current_cluster_8 TEXT  …
 kpi_clv_predicted_expense_8 DOUBLE  …
 kpi_clv_ref_id_9 BIGINT  …
 kpi_clv_predicted_cluster_9 TEXT  …
 kpi_clv_churn_prob_9 DOUBLE  …
 kpi_clv_current_cluster_9 TEXT  …
 kpi_clv_predicted_expense_9 DOUBLE  …
 kpi_clv_ref_id_10 BIGINT  …
 kpi_clv_predicted_cluster_10 TEXT  …
 kpi_clv_churn_prob_10 DOUBLE  …
 kpi_clv_current_cluster_10 TEXT  …
 kpi_clv_predicted_expense_10 DOUBLE  …
 kpi_clv_ref_id_11 BIGINT  …
 kpi_clv_predicted_cluster_11 TEXT  …
 kpi_clv_churn_prob_11 DOUBLE  …
 kpi_clv_current_cluster_11 TEXT  …
 kpi_clv_predicted_expense_11 DOUBLE  …
 kpi_rfm_ref_id_0 BIGINT  Identifies when the RFM algorithm last ran.
 kpi_rfm_recency_0 INT  Customer Recency value in the last run.
 kpi_rfm_frequency_0 INT  Customer Frequency value in the last run.
 kpi_rfm_monetary_0 INT  Customer Monetary value in the last run.
 kpi_rfm_ref_id_1 BIGINT  Identifies the next to last time the RFM algorithm ran.
 kpi_rfm_recency_1 INT  Customer Recency value in the next to last run.
 kpi_rfm_frequency_1 INT  Customer Frequency value in the next to last run.
 kpi_rfm_monetary_1 INT  Customer Monetary value in the next to last run.
 kpi_rfm_ref_id_2 BIGINT  Identifies the third to last time the RFM algorithm ran.
 kpi_rfm_recency_2 INT  Customer Recency value in the third to last run.
 kpi_rfm_frequency_2 INT  Customer Frequency value in the third to last run.
 kpi_rfm_monetary_2 INT  Customer Monetary value in the third to last run.
 kpi_rfm_ref_id_3 BIGINT  …
 kpi_rfm_recency_3 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_frequency_3 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_monetary_3 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_ref_id_4 BIGINT  …
 kpi_rfm_recency_4 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_frequency_4 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_monetary_4 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_ref_id_5 BIGINT  …
 kpi_rfm_recency_5 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_frequency_5 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_monetary_5 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_ref_id_6 BIGINT  …
 kpi_rfm_recency_6 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_frequency_6 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_monetary_6 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_ref_id_7 BIGINT
  kpi_rfm_recency_7 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_frequency_7 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_monetary_7 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_ref_id_8 BIGINT  …
 kpi_rfm_recency_8 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_frequency_8 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_monetary_8 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_ref_id_9 BIGINT  …
 kpi_rfm_recency_9 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_frequency_9 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_monetary_9 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_ref_id_10 BIGINT  …
 kpi_rfm_recency_10 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_frequency_10 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_monetary_10 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_ref_id_11 BIGINT  …
 kpi_rfm_recency_11 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_frequency_11 INT  …
 kpi_rfm_monetary_11 INT  …
 kpi_engagement_fixed_ref_id_0 BIGINT  Identifies when the fixed email engagement algorithm last ran.
 kpi_engagement_fixed_cluster_0 TEXT  Customer fixed email engagement cluster value in the last run.
 kpi_engagement_fixed_ref_id_1 BIGINT  Identifies the next to last time the fixed email engagement algorithm ran.
 kpi_engagement_fixed_cluster_1 TEXT  Customer fixed email engagement cluster value in the next to last run.
 kpi_engagement_fixed_ref_id_2 BIGINT  Identifies the third to last time the fixed email engagement algorithm ran.
 kpi_engagement_fixed_cluster_2 TEXT  Customer fixed email engagement cluster value in the third to last run.
 kpi_engagement_fixed_ref_id_3 BIGINT  …
 kpi_engagement_fixed_cluster_3 TEXT  …
 kpi_engagement_fixed_ref_id_4 BIGINT  …
 kpi_engagement_fixed_cluster_4 TEXT  …
 kpi_engagement_fixed_ref_id_5 BIGINT  …
 kpi_engagement_fixed_cluster_5 TEXT  …
 kpi_engagement_fixed_ref_id_6 BIGINT  …
 kpi_engagement_fixed_cluster_6 TEXT  …
 kpi_engagement_fixed_ref_id_7 BIGINT  …
 kpi_engagement_fixed_cluster_7 TEXT  …
 kpi_engagement_fixed_ref_id_8 BIGINT  …
 kpi_engagement_fixed_cluster_8 TEXT  …
 kpi_engagement_fixed_ref_id_9 BIGINT  …
 kpi_engagement_fixed_cluster_9 TEXT  …
 kpi_engagement_fixed_ref_id_10 BIGINT  …
 kpi_engagement_fixed_cluster_10 TEXT  …
 kpi_engagement_fixed_ref_id_11 BIGINT  …
 kpi_engagement_fixed_cluster_11 TEXT  …
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_ref_id_0 BIGINT  Identifies when the moving average email engagement algorithm last ran.
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_cluster_0 TEXT  Customer moving average email engagement cluster value in the last run.
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_ref_id_1 BIGINT  Identifies the next to last time the moving average email engagement algorithm ran.
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_cluster_1 TEXT  Customer moving average email engagement cluster value in the next to last run.
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_ref_id_2 BIGINT  Identifies the third to last time the moving average email engagement algorithm ran.
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_cluster_2 TEXT  Customer moving average email engagement cluster value in the third to last run.
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_ref_id_3 BIGINT  …
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_cluster_3 TEXT  …
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_ref_id_4 BIGINT  …
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_cluster_4 TEXT  …
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_ref_id_5 BIGINT  …
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_cluster_5 TEXT  …
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_ref_id_6 BIGINT  …
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_cluster_6 TEXT  …
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_ref_id_7 BIGINT  …
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_cluster_7 TEXT  …
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_ref_id_8 BIGINT  …
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_cluster_8 TEXT  …
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_ref_id_9 BIGINT  …
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_cluster_9 TEXT  …
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_ref_id_10 BIGINT  …
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_cluster_10 TEXT  …
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_ref_id_11 BIGINT  …
 kpi_engagement_moving_average_cluster_11 TEXT  …



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