Differentiate journeys using event extended properties – Flow release v. 2.2.0

The new Contactflow version is available from February 4th, 2019, and it includes some new features that enhance the module.

The release is planned between 2.15 pm and 2.45 pm CET.

What does this release enable you to do?

  • You can create different Flow journeys based on the event extended properties that are collected in Hub. In addition to being selectable in the Real-time source configuration options, the Event condition parameters, which are available following a Flow Check step, also include extended properties in the Event rules drop-down list.
    Suppose, for example, you want to keep track of the ‘type of the travel’ extended property for a ‘Completed Order‘ event. You can create different paths for your customers’ journeys, depending on the type of travel they bought. You can then offer them additional services, or new adventures, based on this information.


flow - extended properties


  • You can identify any flow steps that have configuration errors and, as a result, are blocking the activation of the automation you are creating.


Flow - errors

