Understanding properties

The Contacthub customer database properties structure is document-oriented. This means it has a flexible format that can contain different elements, depending on specific information needs, rather than being a flat set of fields, which may just have values or not.

Data types

The following traditional data types are available:

  • String.
  • Number.
  • Integer.
  • Boolean.
  • Date.
  • Datetime.
  • Email.
  • Hostname.
  • URI.
  • IPv4.
  • IPv6.

In addition, you can also create properties with the following data types:

  • Array.
  • Object.
  • Array of deprecated objects.

Predefined base properties

Contacthub provides a set of predefined Base properties, which can be enabled or disabled within the UI, as required. You can find a list of base properties here.

Enabling and disabling base properties

You can enable or disable base properties using the UI. See Enabling and disabling base properties for more details.

If properties are disabled, any changes to their read or write settings are ignored.

Custom extended properties

In addition to enabling or disabling base properties, you can also define custom ones, which are known as Extended properties in Contacthub. See Creating and managing extended properties for more details.

You can also add extended properties to events and products. See Understanding events for more details. Event and product extended properties can be mapped to custom fields in Plan using the Contacthub API .

Child properties

Both base and extended properties may have child properties, which can be enabled or disabled, as required. If an extended property has children, you can add others if needed. See Creating and managing extended properties for more details.

JSON files

To assist with integration and help you to configure and customize Contacthub, you can download a copy of the JSON file that defines the schema for all base or extended properties. See Enabling and disabling base properties and Creating and managing extended properties for more details.



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