Know, recognize and follow your contacts

Everywhere, in real-time and with a unique platform


To know and keep track of every contact’s history, it is important to collect and integrate all their data and keep it up-to-date.
Then you need to make it immediately available and usable.
With Contactlab Marketing Cloud, we help you create a unique customer profile for every contact, by registering and correlating
data about every single interaction that takes place on your channels.


A unique customer profile

All your contacts’ actions generate data, which often comes from different source systems and can only be traced back to a single contact with considerable difficulty. But the unique customer profiles ensure you know the complete picture for every contact, by integrating all the available information in one point. By exploring online and offline behavior, from web activity to purchase data, you have immediately usable data at your disposal, enabling you to provide your contacts with stimulating and enticing experiences. Discover Hub.

Algorithms to predict behavior

Through algorithms and predictive models, you can know your contacts’ purchase potential, as well as their engagement level and drop out risk. You can enrich your customers’ profiles with information about their habits, preferences and interests. You also have the opportunity to discover behavioral patterns, create automatic clusters and anticipate your customers actions during their life cycle. Discover Data.

Segments created in real-time

Thanks to enriched customer profiles, you can create and manage advanced segments, based on all the information that each contact makes available to you, while they are interacting with your brand. As a result, you can quickly build complex targets, which you can then use for customized communications and multichannel deliveries, precisely focused on your audiences. Discover Plan.